Losing a tooth can affect your overall well-being and oral health. It can affect your ability to speak and chew effectively and even reduce your self-worth and confidence. Luckily, modern dentistry provides numerous solutions to replace missing teeth, and one popular option is dental bridges. Bridges fill the gap with a false tooth that resembles and feels like your natural teeth. We explore signs that indicate you might qualify for the bridges and when to consider this procedure below. 

Understanding Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are prosthetic dental devices fixed to fill the gap where a missing tooth forms. Bridges are made of an artificial tooth called a pontic, anchored by crowns on both sides. These dental crowns are fixed to the nearby teeth to hold the bridge. The crowns are also referred to as abutments.

Bridges are made to match the size, shape, and color of the existing teeth, providing a natural smile and an effortless fit.

A dental bridge consists of different parts, including:

  • Abutments — Abutments are the supporting structures that hold your bridge.
  • Pontics — A pontic is an artificial tooth that fills the gap created by your missing teeth.

Based on your dental needs and the form of your bridge, your dental bridge could comprise a single abutment or more and a single pontic or more.

Forms of Dental Dentures

The primary forms of dental bridges include:

  • Cantilever dental bridges — Your dentist might suggest cantilever bridges if you have a surrounding tooth for support. The artificial tooth is fixed to the abutment on one end, providing a functioning solution for people with a gap at the end of a dental arch.
  • Traditional denture bridges — These are the most popular form of bridge, consisting of a single dental crown fixed to two nearby teeth with an artificial tooth in between. The crowns offer support points, while the artificial tooth bridges the gap. A critical advantage of these bridges is their strength. Nevertheless, one of their cons is that you must modify two surrounding teeth.
  • Maryland bridges — Resin-bonded or Maryland bridges are mostly suggested for replacing front teeth. These bridges utilize porcelain or metal bands to attach an artificial tooth to the end of the nearby teeth. Although considered a conservative alternative to traditional bridges, Maryland bridges do not need surrounding teeth to have tooth enamel; they do not require dental crowns as their anchor. The con of these Maryland bridges is that they are not as long-lasting as traditional bridges. They are only as strong as the binding material that holds them together, so they might not remain anchored in teeth that experience plenty of biting force, like the molars.
  • Implant-supported bridge — Implant-supported bridges utilize a similar structure as traditional bridges, although dentists hold them in place with dental implants. Consequently, implant-supported bridges do not require nearby teeth and could be ideal to span huge gaps with many missing teeth. Implants are popular for their durability, strength, and ability to restore normal function. Nevertheless, this bridge needs a more invasive placement procedure and an extensive recovery period.

Indicators You Require Dental Bridges

Signs that you need bridges include the following:

Constant Toothaches

Persistent aches in your teeth signal a severe problem with your gums and teeth. If tooth decay has advanced extensively, you might have damaged nerves in the teeth. There are several causes of decay in your teeth, leading to tooth discomfort. It could be a genetic dental issue or related to an ailment. Some women can experience dental issues during pregnancy or after childbirth.

However, it could be related to poor oral hygiene, so it is vital to have a dental appointment for regular cleanings and examinations more than once every year. Routine oral care can prevent periodontitis, an infection of the dental tissues that could cause receding gums and the loss of teeth. If your dental healthcare provider can catch periodontitis and other tooth-related issues early, they could regularly treat them with root canals or fillings to stop tooth loss.

If you fail to treat periodontitis and deterioration, your doctor can, in some circumstances, recommend tooth removal and replacement with dentures.

Bleeding Gums

If your gums are red, sensitive, or swollen, these could be warning indicators for periodontal disease. You can treat early symptoms of gingivitis or gum disease with professional cleaning, specialized mouthwash, and antibacterial toothpaste. If bleeding gums are left untreated, bone loss could begin, which eventually results in tooth loss.

You Have a Missing Tooth or Teeth

Dental bridges aim to fill the spaces where a missing tooth or teeth leaves. Therefore, you could be suitable for dental bridges if you have missing teeth. Nevertheless, you should note that the nearby teeth must be in fantastic shape. If they are not, you might not be eligible for dental bridges.

You Have Healthy Teeth and Gums

Only some people are ideal candidates for a dental bridge. To qualify for dental bridges, your teeth and gums should be healthy.

Your General Health is Good

While a bridge procedure is minor, you should consult your dentist to assess whether you are healthy enough for the dental bridge treatment. You are the right dental bridge candidate if your general health is good.

You are Ineligible for Dental Implants

Only a few qualify for implants.

Certain factors could make your lifestyle incompatible with dental implants. Also, some prescription medicines make it challenging to have dental implants. If you are on immunosuppressants, your body will likely reject implants. Comparably, medications that impact your bone density could disqualify you for implants. However, most medications do not impact bridges. Your experienced and qualified dentist should advise you on the best dental treatment based on your oral health and needs.

Changes in Your Facial Appearance

You might not experience pain or challenges performing everyday tasks, but having a few missing teeth could affect the appearance of your face. Facial collapse occurs when your face’s shape changes because of missing teeth. If your jawbone deteriorates, the cheeks could start to sag or sink. Overall, the face could appear scrunched up or shorter, affecting your self-esteem and confidence, especially if you want to look your best. With dental bridges, you could prevent further decline and maintain the natural appearance of your jaw.

You Have Difficulty Eating

In your daily life, your teeth enable you to eat different meals. Even a missing tooth could make it painful or difficult to eat. If left untreated, a gap created by a missing tooth could cause adjacent teeth to move and affect your bite negatively. If you have noticed any of the mentioned signs, it is time to consult a dentist. For most patients, dental bridges restore eating functionality.

You Want to Prevent Bone Loss

Your jawbone is more likely to deteriorate after removing or losing your adult tooth. It is because chewing and biting stimulate your jawbone. When you lose a tooth, your jawbone is no longer stimulated and dissolves and disintegrates. The speed at which the jawbone dissolves following tooth loss varies from patient to patient.

Jawbone loss is an issue that causes many complications for your oral health. It can cause your existing teeth to shift, resulting in further tooth loss, loose teeth, and misalignment. Some patients can have wrinkles around their mouths or distortions of their facial features. You can also experience temporomandibular joint disorder, speaking challenges, and eating difficulties.

Installing bridges is an effective treatment for replacing your missing teeth. Its affixed crowns to the teeth adjacent to your missing teeth effectively restore dental appearance and functionality.

You are Looking for an Affordable and Comfortable Options: Your Cost Considerations

Your dental bridge’s cost is a key consideration for most patients. Your dentist should discuss the cost of the dental treatment and other associated procedures to help you understand the required financial investment.

The overall price of this restorative dentistry depends on various factors, including the following:

  • The number of missing teeth — A dental bridge that replaces at least one tooth is more costly.
  • Your type of dental bridges — Implant-supported bridges are more expensive than other types.
  • Your fake tooth’s material — Porcelain is the most popular choice because it resembles the look of your natural teeth. Nevertheless, it is more costly than other options.
  • The kind of work the dentist should perform on your supporting teeth — If the tooth-supporting dental bridge is damaged or has a cavity, your dentist should take care of that first. That will increase the money you estimated.

Dental dentures and implants are alternatives to dental bridges that could meet your needs. Dentures are more affordable than bridges but are removable and challenging to keep in place. On the other hand, implants are more permanent and expensive than bridges and require a surgical procedure.

You Want to Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is due to bacterial buildup on the gums and teeth. If you fail to remove the bacteria, it will form tartar and plaque. You may have pockets and gaps between your gums and teeth. This is where bacteria grow because it is hard to reach and clean.

Gum disease can cause loose teeth, cavities, and weak teeth. Other health conditions associated with gum diseases include cancer, exacerbations of diabetes symptoms, and cardiovascular diseases.

The surrounding teeth can drift when you have a missing tooth, creating spaces and gaps. That means if you have a bridge, your teeth will not move, and gaps will not form. Additionally, your dental bridge can lower the biting force of surrounding teeth. That force can cause damage that results in gum disease.

You Want to Improve Your Speech

Effective speaking requires contact with your tongue and teeth. Losing a tooth can result in difficulty pronouncing words, and lisping will be constant. Installing a dental bridge can rectify the matter, allowing you to communicate without feeling embarrassed.

You Want a Long-Term Dental Solution

The lifetime of bridges ranges from five to 15 years. Many factors affect longevity, including the quality of the dental bridge material, your lifestyle, dental hygiene, the bridge location, nearby teeth’s health, your jawbone’s health, and your overall health. Nevertheless, you can increase the longevity and lifespan of bridges by following the tips below:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after meals. Ensure you use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the bridge and teeth. Focus on the sides of the dental bridge and the bridge’s base. Brushing builds your natural tooth enamel, reduces the possibility of tooth decay, and protects the bridge from injury.
  • Rinse your mouth using an antibacterial mouthwash. It kills bacteria, keeps the mouth fresh, and prevents plaque.
  • Flossing once daily removes food debris and particles that the toothbrush cannot reach, including around and under the bridge.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. The habit can result in teeth discoloration and weaken the dental bridge.
  • Avoid eating sticky and hard foods. They can damage the bridge, causing it to loosen.
  • Visit your skilled dentist regularly — While taking care of your oral health at home is essential, professional assistance is equally vital. The doctor can offer a deep cleaning you cannot do at home. The professional can analyze your bridge to determine its condition and make the necessary adjustments. Finally, the physician can advise you on the best oral hygiene products and how to maintain the bridges.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if your dental bridge breaks or becomes loose. Attempting to fix it yourself can result in further damage.
  • Drink a lot of water and eat a balanced diet.

Contact a Restorative Dentist Near Me

If any of the above indicators apply, dental bridges might be your best solution. However, contacting an experienced Encino dentist is advisable to determine whether you are an ideal candidate. Lasting Impressions Dental Spa is dedicated to ensuring you have good teeth, esthetics, and functionality. We can educate you on what to expect from the treatment and guide you in deciding whether the bridge is the best way to restore your smile after losing your tooth. For more information on installing your bridges, call us at 818-751-5100. Our knowledgeable and friendly dentists can answer your questions and book your dental appointment.